There is no better way to pay back to the society than providing the most
desired and important infrastructure in the form of modern education. The
school provides an excellent platform to provide a glance of the multifarious
all round developmental activities throughout the year. Here at SGPS, we
tend to build a resourceful individual out of a naive human, rendering them
the wisdom which will lead to broader perspective of life. We aim to unearth
every child’s talent and provide opportunities which will enable them to
discover something excited and enthusiastic for them by which the learning
and buoyancy are always at par with each other. The academics and extra-
curricular activities, add a remarkable educational experience in student’s
life. We are confident that in the years to come we shall equip our students
with not only the basic knowledge of their concerned discipline but also a
deep insight into it, so that they can stand on their own and achieve
perfection in the careers of their choice.